CSI Miami has the hottest couple by far on it's show. The show is in it's ninth season and with the return of Adam Rodriguez full time this season, I'm sure there's great things to come of this couple. Granted the writers utilize the story t it's full potential and stop throughing jorneys and roadblocks in their way. After 2 years of watching a loving relationship group and two years of this couple sizzle on screen, this hiphugger can't wait to see much of their on screen loving relationship flame on to my television set.
Any hiphugger fans out there care to share how they feel about this couple, please do so....
great start there :")
Wonderful and fabulous work, a total work of art thanks very much for all of your efforts
Wonderful job and can't wait to see more of all your work.
They're not that great really.
I'm loving this blog! And I agree with you ... we waited 7 years for Eric & Calleigh to get together ... we don't need any more "journeys," detours, derailments, etc., standing in their way. This couple has way too much natural chemistry for the "CSI: Miami" writers to just throw it away. I hope they get back together, and soon!
Super blog guys and 100% consensus from me. I don't know why only this show has so many stops in a relationship which is obviously meant to be. Their chemistry just sizzles and they belong together so get on with it! My patience is running thin.
You’re doing a wonderful job with this blog and I’m loving it already! It looks fantastic too, but how could it not with videos and pictures of two absolutely gorgeous people? We don’t need to be taken on another rollercoaster ride with our favorite couple on TV. Just let them be blissfully happy for now. They truly deserve all the happiness they can get after everything they’ve gone through over the years, so it’s only fair that they get some screen time as a couple without all the drama.
Lovin' this blog, fantastic work and I just love it! Very well done!
These two are not the whole show.Maybe if the romance was in the background more,so many people wouldn't dislike it.
(NO OFFENSE) TO PEOPLE THAT THINKS this couple not that great or the show not about them only
In my defense i would say that we create this blog to show that we love this couple and want those *who love this couple get update about them just come here(if they want) *
we do aware that Csi Miami not about (Eric and Calleigh only)
but u can't blame us to love this tv show couple as well the actor's (right)
well just enjoy being here and thank you for the comment's
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